The Inheritance Lawyer Blog
Informative Reads About Various Legal Issues
The Four Tricky Cons of 2016
Electronic technology has brought about tremendous benefits for today’s society. We can access goods, services, and information
Signing Up for Medicare: The Facts For You or Your Parents Nearing Age 65
People who are nearing the age of 65 should be making plans for the transition from private health care to Medicare.
Avoid these 10 Common Estate Planning Mistakes
As a lawyer, I see many of the same estate planning mistakes made time and again by people who either fail to plan properly.
Are You Leaving Your Retirement Account at Risk Due to Poor Planning?
You’ve spent are-you-leaving-your-retirement-account-at-risk-due-to-poor-planningyour entire life building up your retirement account. It may even be the biggest asset you’ll leave behind