The Inheritance Lawyer Blog
Informative Reads About Various Legal Issues
Build Your Child’s Resilience to Support Their Ultimate Success
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
Avoid these 10 Common Estate Planning Mistakes
As a lawyer, I see many of the same estate planning mistakes made time and again by people who either fail to plan properly.
A Power of Attorney After Turning 18
In most states, when your child turns 18, it might be hard to imagine that little child who once needed you for everything has now become – overnight – an adult. Now your child is free to vote, marry, apply for a credit card, make medical and financial decisions,
Important things to Understand about Estate Planning
Estate planning may sound like something that is just for the very wealthy, however, in the eyes of the law, an estate is simply the aggregate of property an individual owns, and most everyone owns something.