Choose the Right Conservator for Your Assets
While our focus at VM Gokea Law is on estate planning and closely related practice areas, we are frequently asked about issues involving conservatorships. As an additional resource for our clients, we maintain a list of practitioners who we feel confident will provide sound counsel and legal representation in this area. Should you need a referral, please feel free to call our office and we will be happy to provide a few recommendations.
A Conservatorship is a legal process in which the rights and property of an adult (defined as an individual 18 or older) deemed incapable of managing his or her own affairs, known as the Conservatee, are exercised by another adult, known as the Conservator. Choosing an appropriate Conservator is obviously a critical decision, since it dramatically impacts the individual’s emotional, physical and financial well-being. You need an attorney with the experience, understanding and compassion to help you select an appropriate Conservator for your incapacitated loved one, as well as provide sound legal counsel if you have chosen to serve as Conservator yourself.
It should be noted that if you think you might become incapacitated in the near future, or want to prepare for such a possibility well in advance, we can help you choose a pre-need Conservator and counsel him or her when the time comes. One of the greatest gifts you can give your family is choosing a pre-need conservator in advance, thereby sparing yourself and loved ones the stress and emotional pain of a formal Conservatorship.